In the USA, most states don’t require that multilevel distribution companies register with them. However, five states require them to file and/or register.
If yours is a party plan company, you are still required to file or register if you have a multilevel compensation plan.
To be legally compliant in these states, you or your MLM attorney need to register your company and submit your compensation plan for approval. These states are:
- Georgia
- Louisiana
- Massachusetts
- Montana
- Wyoming
Georgia, Massachusetts, and Wyoming require a filing to give these states notice of your intent to do business there.
Louisiana and Montana require registration. They will review your company’s materials and issue an Order of Registration (MT) or a letter acknowledging registration (LA).
Be Careful
According to the statutes of each of these states, it is a violation of the law for a multilevel distribution company to do business prior to filing the notice (GA, MA, WY) or being registered (LA and MT). The Montana registration form asks how many reps the company has in its state.
If you need help to file or register with any or all of the five states, contact Sylvina Consulting at 503.244.8787 for a referral to a qualified MLM attorney.
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