For a direct selling business to be profitable, it must have healthy gross margins. While margins can be calculated in several ways, at Sylvina Consulting we like to use what we call the “multiplier.” The multiplier is a ratio calculated as the suggested retail price of an item divided by the landed cost of the…
Compensation Plans: Structure Matters
In compensation plans, there are positions of achievement we call titles or ranks. To qualify for them, independent representatives meet volume and structure requirements. Both are measurements of organizational performance. A volume requirement is a measurement of volume from (a) an individual independent representative, (b) a group of independent representatives within one’s downline, or (b)…
The Best New Year’s Resolutions
As each new year approaches, there is societal pressure to make one or more New Year’s resolutions. Perhaps you have felt it, or maybe someone has asked you what yours are. As direct selling, referral marketing, and compensation plan consultants, we feel the pressure to make resolutions, too. Most Popular New Year’s Resolutions According to…
Why FTC Decisions On Vemma and Herbalife Matter To You
If your direct selling company has a multilevel compensation plan, it is in your best interest to be aware of the recent FTC actions against Vemma (August 2015) and Herbalife (July 2016) because your company and your compensation plan may have some of the same problems. Watch this video now to learn why these FTC actions…
Why Stair-Step Compensation Is No Longer Needed
For many years, stair-step compensation was commonly used in multilevel compensation plans, but times have changed. Just because another compensation plan designed in 1980 has a stair-step compensation plan, doesn’t mean your plan should include it today. In this video, I define and assess the relevance today of stair-step compensation. More Videos About Compensation…
The Cooling-Off Rule: How It Applies To Your Company
As a direct selling company, you need to know about the Federal Trade Commission’s Cooling-Off Rule. There are very specific steps you must follow to be in compliance with this federal law. To learn more about how the Cooling-Off Rule applies to your company, watch our video below. How To Comply Most direct…
Do You Have A Company Figurehead?
“God save the Queen.” This is the national anthem of the United Kingdom. While your company is not ruled by a monarch, every direct selling company needs to have at least one figurehead. That figurehead is either you or someone else. If you don’t have one, you need to get one right away! Why Is…
The Best Measurements For Predicting Your Growth: Video
Direct selling companies measure their businesses in many ways. While monthly sales are a good measure of company month-to-month or year-to-year performance, it isn’t the best measurement for predicting the future. The best measurement for predicting the future of a direct selling company is the number of leaders in your sales force. This is because…
11 Steps To Programming A Compensation Plan
If you’re like me, when you want something done by others, you want it to be completed quickly. Compensation plan programming is one of those projects that takes longer than we’d like, usually much longer. If you’ve wondered, why this video is for you. Compensation plans should be designed to motivate specific behaviors…
How Much Recruiting Do You Want From Your Leaders?
Recruiting is one of the most important behaviors we want to see from our independent representatives. Without recruiting, your direct selling company’s sales force will shrink. To grow or to stay the same size, all direct selling companies need new recruits. Recruiting can be performed by new representatives, representatives in the business awhile, new…
Can Your Company Grow With Easy Performance Requirements?
Some people who start companies believe that they need to be really nice to their representatives. Their MLM startup or new party plan company is not going to be like the others. Their philosophy is to offer an opportunity that is easy on performance requirements and expectations. The thought is that if we don’t ask…
Are Leaders Born Or Grown: Why This Matters
There are two schools of thought regarding leadership. One says leaders are born, that is, they have innate qualities predetermined at birth. Leadership is preordained, like eye color. The other school of thought believes that leadership is a skill. Like spelling, leadership can be learned. Everyone wants more leaders, but how do you get them?…