If you are just starting out or have a young direct selling, MLM, or party plan company, the Direct Selling Edge Conference is the place to go for answers. This two-day educational conference in Las Vegas is sponsored by Jay Leisner and Victoria Dohr of Sylvina Consulting and the MLM attorney, Kevin Thompson. What will…
The Best MLM and Party Plan Startup Conference
If you have a new or young MLM or party plan company, you will learn so much at the Direct Selling Edge Conference! This two-day conference is all about education. You’ll learn about compensation plans, initial recruiting, legal considerations, MLM software, social media, merchant accounts, tax obligations and so much more. Plus, at the end…
Ask Victoria: What Is The Golden Rule Of Direct Selling?
Everything worthwhile seems to have a rule attached to it. When I was a child, the golden rule I learned was “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Treat everyone as you would like to be treated. I liked that rule because it felt good to be good. Later, I learned…
Ask Victoria: How Was Our Direct Selling Edge Conference?
Held in Las Vegas in September 2011, the first Direct Selling Edge Conference was a great way for direct selling start-ups to get a true understanding of what steps are needed to take your company from an idea or concept stage to launching your company and putting your dreams into action. We at Sylvina Consulting along…
Direct Selling Edge Conference
Where can you go to learn all about compensation plans, legal considerations, MLM software, social media, merchant accounts, tax obligations, and more? If you are starting a new direct selling, party plan, or network marketing company, you are hereby invited to join Sylvina Consulting, MLM attorney Kevin Thompson, and other direct selling professionals at the…
Ask Victoria: How much does it cost to start a direct selling company?
This is a good question to ask, but a difficult one to answer because there isn’t a single magic number to give you. I can tell you that our clients have launched their businesses for as little as $20,000 and as much as $2,000,000. To help narrow the cost, here are some questions to answer:…
Ask Victoria: What Should I Do First?
If you have an idea for a new direct selling company, you may be asking this question. It’s easier if you have some steps to follow. Here are 12 of them: Chinese proverb: “The palest ink is better than the best memory.” Write down your idea to help give it clarity and as the proverb…
Benefits of DSA Membership
Do you have all the knowledge and resources that you need to operate and grow your direct selling company? Dreams and vision can only take you so far before you need outside help and information. Whatever your current challenges may be, the Direct Selling Association (DSA), its member companies, and its network of experts can…
Ask Victoria: Do I Need A Business Plan?
If you are thinking about or are in the midst of creating a new party plan or MLM company, you may be wondering if you need a business plan. A business plan is like a road map to a specific destination. You’re more likely to get to your destination if you have a map (or…
Ask Victoria: Can You Suggest a Great Gift?
The holiday rush is on and you have been wondering what to get your wife, your husband… Oh wait, what about you? Throughout the year, we have spouses call us to ask about our services and how we may help their loved ones. While we provide a wide range of consulting services, my first response…
7 Must Have’s For A Recruiting Culture
A direct selling executive recently told me, “We don’t have a recruiting culture.” What exactly is a recruiting culture? The simple definition is a high rate of early recruiting. To have a recruiting culture, a company must do all of the following: Provide enough information and support early in the life of new representatives so…
Ask Victoria: Do You Offer A Free Initial Consultation?
Yes, and we enjoy providing them! During initial consultations, we learn about a company’s needs and explore how we can best help them. We especially like answering questions that help move their businesses forward. Helping people understand what they absolutely need to know is a passion for me! It’s easy to schedule an initial consultation. …