The binary compensation plan is one of the most popular multilevel compensation plans used today by new companies because it does what no other compensation plan type can do, and that is, it pays the upline on an unlimited number of levels of downline volume. In a binary compensation plan, sales volume is accumulated from…
Direct Selling, Network Marketing, MLM, and Party Plan
If you’re confused by these words, then read this article to understand the differences between direct selling, network marketing, MLM, and party plan. Direct Selling Direct selling is the sale of a product or a service that is conducted outside of a permanent retail location. Most often, the sale occurs from one person to another….
How To Grow Your Company Faster
If you have a direct selling company, you probably want it to grow faster. Faster means more reps, more sales, more sales per rep, and more retention. So, how do you get all of these mores? First, you need to be ready for growth. How To Get Ready For Growth Let’s discuss products and services…
Ask Victoria: What Are The Characteristics Of A Successful Catalog?
A successful catalog is a catalog that captures the attention of the buyer and encourages that buyer to order from your company. Here are some tips I’ve learned over the years that can help you to create successful product catalogs: Avoid small non-representative pictures of your products. Make all photos large enough to show details….
Direct Selling School For Companies – September 2014
If your direct selling, party plan, or network marketing company is new or young, the Direct Selling Edge Conference on September 4-5, 2014 is the place to go for answers and education. Come to Nashville to go to school to learn how to start and grow your party plan or network marketing company. This two-day educational…
Ask Victoria: In Which States Must I Register My Direct Selling Company?
In the USA, most states don’t require that multilevel distribution companies register with them. However, five states require them to file and/or register. If yours is a party plan company, you are still required to file or register if you have a multilevel compensation plan. To be legally compliant in these states, you or your…
Starter Kits: Contents and Pricing
Starter kits are important. A starter kit should not be just a box of stuff you are sending to new representatives. What you put in them, how much you charge, and how they look when they are opened, matters. Kit Options Before we discuss what should go into a starter kit and how you should…
Training Done Right
Your company’s success depends in part on how well your independent representatives are trained. Are you training on the right topics, in the right ways? Training Topics Your independent representatives need to be trained on several topics. These are: History of your company and your company story Your products or services, and their features…
Why Are Compensation Plans So Complicated?
On her Create A Cash Flow Radio Show, Deb Bixler recently interviewed MLM compensation plan expert Jay Leisner on this topic. Not everyone will have the same financial goal when they join your direct selling company. Some are interested in part-time income, while others want their business to generate full-time income or more.
Starter Kits
The purpose of a Starter Kit is to provide your independent representatives with the essential items they need to get their businesses off to a great start. Watch this video for tips on creating yours. Have you wondered… How many enrollment choices you should offer your independent representatives? How you…
Ask Victoria: What Is Prospect Theory?
In 1979, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky studied how people manage risks and make decisions. Their prospect theory became the foundation of the new field of behavioral economics. Kahneman and Tversky discovered some interesting results which you can use today to operate your direct selling company better. Here is what they learned: People prefer certain…
The Elephant In The Room – Lack of Retail Customers
One of the elements of a pyramid scheme is the lack of retail customers. Pyramid schemes are illegal. A good number of network marketing companies have few retail customers who aren’t also independent representatives. This is the elephant in the room. In the Omnitrition, Trek Alliance, Equinox, and Burn Lounge cases, courts found problems with…